上北 恭史 (UEKITA Yasufumi)
所属学会:日本建築学会・ICOMOS International Committee WOOD
Project Management of Heritage Sites
Dr. Uekita Yasufumi is a specialist of Heritage Conservation and Architecture Conservation. He holds a Master of Art and a PhD in Design from the University of Tsukuba. He is teaching lectures or seminars on Project Management of Heritage Sites in the Heritage Studies Program.
As Heritage Conservation specialist he researches conservation methods of heritage sites, historic buildings and traditional settlements. His research experience contributes to developing sustainable practices to conserve valuable landmark settlements with the surrounding natural environment. The recent research works are focusing on conservation traditional intangible techniques for inheriting tangible living settlements, improving disaster prevention planning of historic buildings.
Academic societies: Architectural Institute of Japan, ICOMOS International Committee Wood
Education or Research Project in Recent Years
・International research project for conservation of historic wooden churches in Carpathian region(2016 to present)
・International cooperation for the conservation and sustainable development of the traditional Bawomataluo settlement in Nias island, Indonesia (2011 to present)
その他/ Individual Information
TRIOS(研究者総覧・Researchers Information)