三ツ井 聡美 (MITSUI Satomi)

Protected Area Management
Dr. Mitsui Satomi holds a master’s degree in heritage studies from the university of Tsukuba, and a PhD in Agriculture from Hokkaido University.
Her research focuses on the effectiveness of science communication to stakeholders in implementing management that balances use and conservation in World Heritage sites and national parks.
Academic societies: The Japanese Forest Economic Society, The Japanese Forest Society, The association of wildlife and human society
Education or Research Project in Recent Years
・Development of an Integrated Assessment Model linking Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Drivers, and its Social Application: Development of the assessment model for biodiversity and ecosystem services in the terrestrial areas (2023-2028)
・Research toward the development and social implementation of a support system for controlling invasive alien plants in the northern foothills of Mt. Fuji (2023-2026)
・Information dissemination on volcano disaster prevention to tourists visiting active volcanoes: current status and areas for improvement (2022-2026)
・Development of educational materials for volcano disaster prevention at Mt. Fuji (2022-2025)
・The influence of conservation messages on people’s awareness: A case study of non-native plant control on Mt. Fuji (2021-2024)
その他/ Individual Information
TRIOS(研究者総覧・Researchers Information)