伊藤 弘 (ITO Hiromu)
所属学会:日本造園学会・日本建築学会・環境情報科学 など
Development / Tourism Planning
Dr. Ito Hiromu is a specialist of landscape planning. He holds a PhD in Agriculture from the University of Tokyo. He is teaching lectures or seminars on tourism and regional planning that make the most of natural and cultural resources in the Heritage Studies Program.
Research on sustainable planning and implementation methods for landscape and regional tourism in order to make the most of natural and cultural resources.
Academic societies: Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture, Architectural Institute of Japan, Center for Environmental Information Science, etc.
Education or Research Project in Recent Years
・Research on the destination that make the most of World Heritage (2016 to present)
・Detailing and implementation of “Regional Tourism Planning”, an integrated planning technology for the environmental management of tourist destinations and market activities (2017 to present)
・Construction of a Conservation Management Model for National Parks as Local Resources in the Age of Co-creation (2019 to present)
その他/ Individual Information
TRIOS(研究者総覧・Researchers Information)