下田 一太 (SHIMODA Ichita)
Architectural Heritage
Dr. Shimoda Ichita is an expert of preservation and utilization of the architectural heritage. He is carrying out the various activities on the historic architecture, city, and archaeological site and study on their conservation, restoration, reconstruction, and rehabilitation for the contemporary uses. He holds a Doctor of Architecture from the Waseda University by a study on the ancient Khmer cities and architectures.
In the Heritage Studies Program, he is teaching lectures on “Theory and Practice of the Cultural Heritages” and “Architectural Heritages”. Participants can study on the various approaches of the preservation and utilization of the cultural heritage and discuss on the theoretical and practical issues.
Academic societies: Architectural Institute of Japan, Japan Society for Southeast Asian Archaeology, Japanese Society for Scientific Studies on Cultural Property, ICOMOS Japan
Education or Research Project in Recent Years
Capacity building program of the experts for the conservation works at Sambor Prei Kuk monuments (International cooperation project of the cultural properties, Agency for Cultural Affairs, 2020-)
Research projects at Sambor Prei Kuk (Cooperation project to Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodian Government, 2019-2023)
Structural monitoring project of the Borobudur temple in Indonesia (2010 to present)
Restoration project of the stone statues and balustrades at the outer gallery of Bayon Temple (National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan, 2010-2020)
Safeguarding project of Angkor monuments (Japanese government team for safeguarding Angkor, 1994 to present)
その他/ Individual Information
TRIOS(研究者総覧・Researchers Information)