

外国語(英語)については、令和5年(2023年)度の入試より、外部の英語能力検定のスコアにより評価します。試験日から遡って2 年以内に受験したTOEIC Listening & Reading Test の公式認定証(Official Score Certificate)、またはTOEFL-iBT(PBT)受験者用スコア票(米国ETS から受験者本人宛に郵送される受験者用控えのExaminee (Test Taker) Score Report)、または IELTS アカデミック・モジュールの成績証明書(Test Report Form of IELTS(Academic Module))のいずれか1つの原本を本学所定の用紙に貼り、出願時に提出してください。なお、提出された原本は返却しません。

スコアの提出方法や提出先については令和5年(2023年)度「筑波大学大学院 大学院募集要項」のページを参照してください。

The scheduled dates of the entrance examination for the year 2023 will be on 26th (Thursday) January 2023 for master’s program. The examinations will take place inside of the University of Tsukuba. Although for the applicants abroad, we also provide you supplementary examination online. The date of online examinations will be announced around one month prior to the examination date, so please make sure that you check the information page of the Graduate Admission site of University of Tsukuba.

For the examination of foreign language (English), you must affix the original of the TOEIC Listening & Reading Test Official Score Certificate or the TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report which is sent to the TOEFL examinee from ETS or Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module) by postal mail to this department’s stipulated form, and submit it at the application. The TOEIC Official Score Certificate and TOEFL Examinee (Test Taker) Score Report and Test Report Form of IELTS (General Training Module) are valid in the case of examinations taken in the last 2 years. The submitted originals will not be returned.

Please check the webpage of the University of Tsukuba Graduate Admissions 2023 for more detailed procedure of submission.